Josh Boyd's profile

Halcyon Handlebars

I modeled a bike in Cinema4d using subdivision surface modeling, volume builder, cloners, symmetry, and bend deformers. Then I ran much of it through zremesher to ensure good topology and quads.
 I created my scenes in Cinema4D and used the takes system in order to render out separate scenes in the same timeline with the same camera movements, etc. I also included AOVs in the redshift render engine which rendered a cryptomatte and z-depth for post production.
After I was done rendering my scenes I imported the files to After Effects and used cryptomatte effect to make a track matte on my scene and replace the background as well as apply effects to objects based on material IDs. Finally I exported to Premiere Pro where I used a Teenage Engineering OP-1 Synthesizer to create sound design for the video.
Halcyon Handlebars


Halcyon Handlebars
